Siddhartha Taya

Dear friend, I am Siddartha Taya, but you can call me Supersonic Sid. I believe that I have been blessed with a special purpose in this world, and that is to help one million people live a life of freedom. Freedom from suffering in life. It warms my heart to know that you are here, reading this message. I hope to build a meaningful and lasting connection with you through our virtual interactions. Your presence here means a lot to me, and I value your time and your personhood. Allow me to tell you a little about myself.

The story of a Relentless guy who never ever gave up. Let’s start with the beginning.

My Escape Plan 1

I never liked studying. In my 5th class I received 55%. No sane kid gets such a percentage. Getting insulted, scolded and beaten was a part of my routine life. Someday a teacher would hit me, another day at home. I never dared to show my marks to my parents. I was super creative but when my energies were not utilized in the right direction, I became destructively creative.

I became the worst kind of boy, abusive, ill mannered, aggressive and every possible thing parents would be scared of. Of course no one liked me. When other parents talked about their kids 90 percent, my parents hung their heads in shame. A boy getting 65% in class 9th, what future do you think this boy is going to have?

You are right, absolutely NO FUTURE.
Somehow I received 75% in class 10th and I heard from someone that science is tough. So I went ahead taking the tough road. My father had high hopes for me. I was superb at one thing, disappointing my parents. Whenever they had a little hope, I always found a way to crush it. In class 11th I was thrown out of my football team because of my chemistry teacher. Sports was the only thing I ever loved. I played district level badminton, cricket and was also in the football team until the chemical disaster of the chemistry teacher.

Siddharth Taya

I was packed in a room and all I was asked to do was study, study and study. And you must be remembering, what’s the one thing I never liked? I made an escape plan. During the day I turned into an actor, showing everybody that I was studying. When everyone slept, I actually started studying, only because I wanted to run away from my home, but legally. I received 81% in class 12th, and 93/100 in Maths, a subject I failed in 8th class midterms. I wanted to get into a college in Bangalore, my father wanted me to get into a top college. I didn’t want to get into any college by donation. I was happy to take what I earned by hard work. I lost again, dad won and I got into a top college in Chennai with bruised self-esteem. I thought at least something practical would be taught in such a big-named college, but I turned out to be wrong. Again a journey of 4 years of hell started. I was having 8 backlogs by the end of 6th Semester, and a broken heart. I made my escape plan 2.

My Escape Plan 2

In 7th Semester, I gave 12 exams, 8 backlog and cleared 11 core subjects out of 12. It was a University record. I not only passed, I taught my roommates and they too cleared their exams. When they all slept, I studied in a 3 feet Kitchen under a bulb with no fan. The Chennai heat is lethal, but my escape plan was my topmost priority.

I was in love with English, Hindi and quants. I simply loved it. I passed my college with a 6.5 GPA and without a job. I gave 2 exams, 1 exam I scored in minus, other one I scored 93 percentile. The paper with 93 percentile led me to Bangalore in search of a job. I was in a situation where I was even ready to take a job in a call center but didn’t want to take money from home anymore. I gave an interview for an MNC in the morning, and at 4 PM, I caught a bus to Chennai, next morning I gave another interview, and by the end of day, I landed the prestigious job.

Life settled? Hell No…!!
Once our training was done, we had to give an exam where we got 3 chances. I failed in the first 2 attempts. Again I could see the nightmare of going back to home empty handed as a failure. I was frozen. I gave the last attempt and cleared it. Finally I got my breath back. Sorted? No my brothers and sisters, NO. Within 1 week of joining a project, my manager called me for a meeting in the cabin. He told me, you are slow, if you continue to work like this; we will have to let you go. Yeah it means, YOU will be FIRED. I felt the pain again, I gave my heart out and within a month, my manager couldn’t believe it, I was doing phenomenal.

Life set? Yes, I was super happy. Not because of the job. It was because of 2 reasons:

Somehow the law of attraction worked. During a discussion one of my friends told me about Teach for India Fellowship.

Siddharth Taya

My Escape Plan 3

I applied for the fellowship from the office itself. 3 rounds of interviews, a beating heart and I thought this was a magical moment. I was more than eager to teach these kids, help them become good human beings, these kids will transform another 100 lives and the chain reaction will make our country a powerful and abundant one. Few days later my phone rang. I picked it up with a skyrocketing heartbeat and the person on the other end said, “You are selected for the Teach for India Fellowship.” That was the happiest moment of my life. 26 years I waited to find a way to serve my country and finally it was right here in my hands.

My plan was simple
Complete the fellowship for 2 years, shift to remote mountains, live in a hut with two dogs and teach kids. Is it a big wish? Like what more did I ask God? Just this small little dream. Next day a call came and my life turned upside down. My father wanted me to come back to my hometown. He started a project and due to ill health, he was not able to complete it, he needed my help. I never wanted to be a businessman. Never in my dreams or reality.

I came back to my home heartbroken, and I couldn’t smile for the next 1 and half years. Yes that’s how a 26 year old feels when the dream of his life is broken. I kept suffering. Fresh out of IT, a 9–6 job, air conditioned office, weekends off, even the mountains which were my only solace were gone. It took just 1 day, and everything was over for me.

Siddharth Taya

I wrote my first book during that time.
Then a friend taught me how to live life. I started participating in cycling, running and a hiking group with a friend. Soon all of my cousins started getting inspired. I was not happy from inside but I kept going. My capacity to tolerate pain became higher and higher.

Hotel Siddhartha Inn
The project I was working on was completed on Aug 1, 2019. It was called Hotel Siddhartha Inn. Now without any knowledge and experience, I set up the whole hotel, 4 years later it was the best rated hotel in Udaipur with 4.8 rating and 1000+ reviews on Google.

Finally The Dream Comes True!

To join ILH and become a coach, I left my lucrative position as Managing Director of Hotel Siddhartha Inn. Finally the Dream Comes True Once I joined ILH, to become a full time coach, I automated my hotel. This is what I have done since joining ILH.

Results while completing my first Hackathon to become Freedom finisher: